How to convert av1 to avchd??

Online av1 to avchd, you can put the av1 to avchd format on your computer, tablet or mobile phone without downloading any software!

Step 1

Upload av1 file

Select files from your computer, Google Drive, Dropbox, URL or by dragging them on the page.
Step 2

Select ''

Select output or any other format as the conversion result (click the Convert button)
Step 3

Download your file

After the conversion you can download your avchd file and upload it to Google Drive, Dropbox.
AV1 Converter
AOMedia Video 1 (AV1) - is an open, royalty-free high efficiency video coding format designed for video transmissions over the Internet. AV1 is more efficient than H.264, H.265, HEVC, VP8, VP9. In a comparison of AV1 against H.264 (x264) and VP9 (libvpx), AV1 showed about 45–50% bitrate savings over H.264 and about 40% over VP9 when using a constant quality encoding mode. AV1 is intended to be able to be used together with the audio format Opus in a future version of the WebM container format for HTML5 web video and WebRTC
AVCHD Converter
AOMedia Video 1 (AV1) - is an open, royalty-free high efficiency video coding format designed for video transmissions over the Internet. AV1 is more efficient than H.264, H.265, HEVC, VP8, VP9. In a comparison of AV1 against H.264 (x264) and VP9 (libvpx), AV1 showed about 45–50% bitrate savings over H.264 and about 40% over VP9 when using a constant quality encoding mode. AV1 is intended to be able to be used together with the audio format Opus in a future version of the WebM container format for HTML5 web video and WebRTC
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