How to convert divx to wmv??

Online divx to wmv, you can put the divx to wmv format on your computer, tablet or mobile phone without downloading any software!

Step 1

Upload divx file

Select files from your computer, Google Drive, Dropbox, URL or by dragging them on the page.
Step 2

Select ''

Select output or any other format as the conversion result (click the Convert button)
Step 3

Download your file

After the conversion you can download your wmv file and upload it to Google Drive, Dropbox.
DIVX Converter
DivX is a brand of video codec products developed by DivX, LLC. The DivX codec is notable for its ability to compress lengthy video segments into small sizes while maintaining relatively high visual quality. There are three DivX codecs; the original MPEG-4 Part 2 DivX codec, the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC DivX Plus HD codec and the High Efficiency Video Coding DivX HEVC Ultra HD codec.
WMV Converter
DivX is a brand of video codec products developed by DivX, LLC. The DivX codec is notable for its ability to compress lengthy video segments into small sizes while maintaining relatively high visual quality. There are three DivX codecs; the original MPEG-4 Part 2 DivX codec, the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC DivX Plus HD codec and the High Efficiency Video Coding DivX HEVC Ultra HD codec.
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