How to convert xvid to prc??

Online xvid to prc, you can put the xvid to prc format on your computer, tablet or mobile phone without downloading any software!

Step 1

Upload xvid file

Select files from your computer, Google Drive, Dropbox, URL or by dragging them on the page.
Step 2

Select ''

Select output or any other format as the conversion result (click the Convert button)
Step 3

Download your file

After the conversion you can download your prc file and upload it to Google Drive, Dropbox.
XVID Converter
Xvid (formerly 'XviD') is a video codec library following the MPEG-4 video coding standard, specifically MPEG-4 Part 2 Advanced Simple Profile (ASP). It uses ASP features such as b-frames, global and quarter pixel motion compensation, lumi masking, trellis quantization, and H.263, MPEG and custom quantization matrices.
PRC Converter
Xvid (formerly 'XviD') is a video codec library following the MPEG-4 video coding standard, specifically MPEG-4 Part 2 Advanced Simple Profile (ASP). It uses ASP features such as b-frames, global and quarter pixel motion compensation, lumi masking, trellis quantization, and H.263, MPEG and custom quantization matrices.
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